The Great Plains Bunk House LLC
There is a little bit of country in all of us.

We are located 22 miles from Boise City Oklahoma and 32 miles from Clayton NM, in the middle of the Great Plains but it is easy to find us. If you have any questions please call me anytime at 806-339-1359. Thank you, Lindsey Maness Cortese with The Bunk House llc
GPS coordinates N 36.70480 W 102.89081
Physical address
7198 EW 21 RD
Boise City, OK 73933
Directions from Amarillo TX:
Directions from Amarillo TX:
Take Dumas exit and drive to Dumas, approximately 45 minutes.
Head north strait out of Dumas on US-287 N/N Dumas Ave. Stay on main road. Do not turn off anywhere. You will go through Stratford TX, keep going....
Continue to follow US-287 N for 71.2 miles Entering Oklahoma
Turn left into Boise City, OK. Go through Boise City until you come to the Court House.
Go around Court House to your right (one direction around court house)
Turn right onto OK-325 W (west out of Boise City) You will cross rail road tracks and then travel 14.4 miles down high way
Turn left onto N0130 Rd Black top road and go 1 mile
Turn right onto E0200 Rd also a black top hwy and go 5.9 miles on black top hwy.
You will come to a WHITE church to your left. Turn LEFT onto NS7, a dirt country road.
Turn left at your first intersection onto EW21. We are just a jog down the road to your LEFT. You can’t miss it :)
Directions from Clayton NM:
Directions from Clayton NM:
Head northeast on US-412 E/US-56
Continue to follow US-412 E/US-56 E/US-64 E 11.6 miles
Turn left onto New Mexico State Line/Oklahoma State Line Rd
Continue to follow Oklahoma State Line Rd Entering Oklahoma approximately 14.5 miles or until you come to the T in the HWY.
You will come to a T in the high way. Turn right onto E0200 Rd Continue 5 miles until you come to a
WHITE church to your RIGHT. Turn RIGHT onto NS7 onto a country dirt road. Go 1 mile and turn LEFT at first intersection onto EW21. We are just a jog down the road. YOU CANT MISS US :)
From Felt OK (very vague directions)
Go North on hwy (across from Coop elevators) go several miles (about 10) until you come to the Wheeless hwy, turn left, go 6 miles until you reach the white Wheeless church (road NS7) turn left, go one mile and turn left on road EW21, we are 1/4 mile to your left. (Abut 16 miles from Felt)